The SQL Connect product specified could not be found. Error in server function parameter. There are More than 255 columns to be returned, return anyway ? must be followed by a table name. Operator error in statement. There must be 7 columns in the definition list for building a file format and must be followed by an Omnis field name Channel names must start with an alphabetic character and contain only alphanumerics Total length of text between and cannot exceed 32000 characters must have no parameter or be followed by GROUP or ALL must be followed by a valid name which is no more than 15 characters long with the name of existing format must be followed by a file name which is no more than 15 characters long must be followed by a table name Field ranges in or names list must be in the same file must have no parameter or be followed by GROUP or ALL must be followed by ON or OFF Unrecognized field in or names list Send command to remote command with an invalid keyword